WOYWW #289

Hi Everyone,

It's the last Wednesday before the festive season begins in earnest and I'm hoping to squeeze out a bit more time for visiting fellow Deskers this week. In case you are reading this and wondering what on earth I'm on about - it's What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, which means that this is the day when we post pictures of our workdesks, waffle on a bit about what we've been up to, then pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground to link up with other Deskers all around the world and see what they've been making, what they've got, where they work, whether their desks are even messier than mine, that kind of thing!

Speaking of which, here's a picture of the offending area, which I took last night ...

Picture the scene if you will - it was around 7.30, I had arrived home from work about an hour ago, prepared dinner and left it cooking in the oven, then made myelf a large G&T and brought it upstairs to "play in my room" for an hour. You can see the G&T there on the right hand side. The red patterned object in front of it is not a festive craft project - it's my discarded bra! After a long day at work, it was really annoying me, and I do have a habit of abandoning annoying bits of clothing in unlikely places - does anyone else do that?!

The project I was in such a hurry to work on is the beginnings of a mixed media canvas inspired by this month's challenge over at Scrap Around The World. I'm fairly happy with the background now, and I plan to add a whimsical angel with some meaningful wordage ...

... although whether or not it turns out anything like the vague picture I have in my head remains to be seen - watch this space!

Well, I'm off to Julia's to see what everyone else has been up to - I am willing to bet that no one else has decorated their desk with underwear! :o)

Thanks for visiting me today, see you again soon.

Annie xxx


Chrysalis said…
Haha, you made me laugh! With me, it's socks that I fling off with gay abandon. I like the idea of crafting alongside a G and T!! Hugs, Chris # 8
Lisca said…
Yes, G&Ts are the best for inspiration me thinks.
Your back ground is lovely, so now I can't wait to see what you do with it.
No, I don't fling clothing around but I do kick off my shoes and put on something more comfortable and quite often I'll change into a pair of track suit bottoms.
Thanks for visiting me earlier and for your sweet comment.
Have a great week
LOL @ your bra! I hate bras with a vengeance and only wear them when absolutely necessary, i.e. when the embarrassment of being seen with droopy bits outweighs the extreme discomfort of wearing them. That's why I like winter! Thick jumpers and winter coats, yay! Great start to your canvas, Annie! I can see the beginning of the angel there too, hiding in the background! It's Georgie, isn't it!? Can't wait to see how it turns out! Guess, I'll find out soon! Thanks for visiting earlier! Happy WOYWW!
Lizzy Hill said…
The bg is looking really good! Hope the head idea becomes close to reality:) and as for the bra gig...soooo with you....best thing about plodding around at home...the Bra Fee Zone!!!!!!
Lunch Lady Jan said…
Lol! Isn't taking your bra off one of life's greatest pleasures?! Alongside getting the socks off too...I'm always barefoot in the house!!
I like your canvas, you can see the pic emerging from the background.....keep us posted how it develops :-)
Happy Christmas hugs to you,
LLJ 20 xx
HeARTworks said…
That was totally unexpected, and you gave me a laugh! Never done that on my work desk!!! But i have removed stockings! Have a blessed season! patsy
Unknown said…
Sorry but I'm going young school here - LMAO at your bra!! :) a G&T and an abandoned bra...?! Sounds like a Saturday night for uni folk lol
The moody background is lush with blues and greys, and the hints of snowflakes - can't wait to see it finished!
Georgie 35
Brenda B said…
Lol at the bra! My husband is the discarder in this family, I often find bits and pieces all over the place, he seems to wear about 5 sets of clothes in a day. Although I'm wondering of the bra has anything to do with the G&T? One too many perhaps? Love the sparkly background too. Have a great Christmas.

Brenda 38
Unknown said…
Oh yes, the bra is the first thing to go when I arrive home each day! Tee hee! It is good to have an hour in the crafty place while the dinner cooks though. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #41
Oh my gosh yes! I discard my stupid bra the minute I can safely to do so. Who wants their bits to be strangled by offensive elastic torture bands! I do the same with socks..if I am forced to wear them. Luckily in AZ I usually wear bare feet or sandles. I think your background looks serene and wintery. Can't wait to see the finished canvas. Happy WOYWW :) #25
Patrink said…
I do the same with my bras. You never know where they are going to land. Love your desk and thanks for sharing.

Pat #49
Artatag said…
I had to enlarge the photo to find out what G&T behind your bra is. I suppose it is gin and tonic, right? Your canvas background looks really cool!
Happy holidays
Gabriele 19
505whimsygirl said…
For some reason my last comment didn't get published...... Anyhow. I wonder how many women immediately take off their bras as soon as they get home? It's just freeing, isn't it!

The canvas looks great so far. I can't wait to see where it goes.

Peace, Kay (43)
Robyn said…
Ha! if I left clothing and drinks on my desk they'd end up glitter bombed!
thanks for visiting
robyn 7
Mm with you on discarded items ... cups of tea always go walk about etc.... and love the piece of canvas great creative work, Shaz in Oz.x #4
Annie said…
I'm chuckling now....Is it something to do with crafters or just an age thing? There really is nothing quite like taking your bra off in the house is there? and with me it's socks too :-) I love to be bare footed around the house.
Thanks for calling in on me yesterday....I thought I'd returned your visit yesterday but your name and number didn't tie up and I randomly visited another blog without realising it. :-)
Annie x