Magic Beans

Okay, so not actually magic as such, but it's magical to me how you put these little shrivelled brown things in the ground in the spring and just water them and they burst into life and then in the summer - ping! you get these beauties -
These were the first ones I picked and here are some more with some more friends from the garden, awaiting their culinary destiny - mind you, they don't need much - just a light steaming, a dash of olive oil, squeeze of lemon, pinch of flaky sea salt and I'm in heaven. See? it IS magic!
The knife you see here is a very old and dear friend I have had since before my first son was born - and he was 30 this year! I once thought I had accidentally chucked this knife in the bin and I actually went all through my wheelie bin (yeeuucccch), before realising it was in the kitchen bin all along. PHEW! Sounds dramatic, but it's SUCH a good knife, sits nicely in my hand, does everything I ask of it ... ok I need to stop now I'm starting to sound weird :)


Hi Annie ... just updating the Tag Tuesday blog with your details. Look forward to seeing your little works of art on TAG TUESDAY

Best wishes
Carolyn ♥ St. Ives