... Pale Pink and Charcoal. Now, if I'm honest, this is not my favourite of the colour combinations which Kristin over at Twinkle Twinkle has given us so far - well, what I mean is that it's a lovely combination when other people use it, but I work better with the more vivid colours.
Still, a challenge is supposed to, well, challenge you isn't it? So I thought I'd have a go at something soft, dreamy and whimsical, maybe about myself as a little girl because I was such a daydreamer, always "away with the fairies" as my Gran used to say.
So, I prepped a couple more pages of my altered book with gesso, mixed up some acrylic paints and waded in .... and this sad, mournful little girl came out - I just couldn't cheer her up!
Oh dear! This journal was going to be full of fun and positivity - you see what these colours do to me?
I did enjoy working on it though, and it's always good to experiment with something new. Maybe this little girl came out of wherever she was hiding because I've been doing lots of thinking for my Find Your Voice projects .... hmmmm .... could be.
Here are a couple of close-ups
Anyway, I'm off to link this up over at Twinkle Twinkle, check out what everyone else has created with these colours and also find out which combination has been voted in for next week - can't believe it's Week Four already!
Thanks for popping in, see you again soon :o)xxx
Still, a challenge is supposed to, well, challenge you isn't it? So I thought I'd have a go at something soft, dreamy and whimsical, maybe about myself as a little girl because I was such a daydreamer, always "away with the fairies" as my Gran used to say.
So, I prepped a couple more pages of my altered book with gesso, mixed up some acrylic paints and waded in .... and this sad, mournful little girl came out - I just couldn't cheer her up!
Oh dear! This journal was going to be full of fun and positivity - you see what these colours do to me?
I did enjoy working on it though, and it's always good to experiment with something new. Maybe this little girl came out of wherever she was hiding because I've been doing lots of thinking for my Find Your Voice projects .... hmmmm .... could be.
Here are a couple of close-ups
Anyway, I'm off to link this up over at Twinkle Twinkle, check out what everyone else has created with these colours and also find out which combination has been voted in for next week - can't believe it's Week Four already!
Thanks for popping in, see you again soon :o)xxx
I think that second page of the broken heart very striking.
The Find Your Voice class really is interesting so far.
Thanks for the info on the tag challenge.
Thanks so much for your visit to my blog!! Have fun playing with the new colors, I already have 2 cards done and ideas for more, YAY!