Frustration and Damsons in Distress!!!

Hi everyone,

It's been very quiet on the ArtyFarty front this last couple of weeks - I haven't been able to do much cutting and stickin (or bloggin about it) because my stooooopid back won't let me - very frustrating :o(

There doesn't seem to be one position which is comfortable for more than ten minutes, so the best thing seems to be to keep mobile, do everything little and often and no sudden movements - this is already the third go at this blog post so if it doesn't make sense that's my excuse!

Here's one thing I did do this week - I turned these ....

.... into these!

Last week we spotted this tree laden with damsons ...

All the fruit was very high up and we don't have a stepladder, but my hero went off with a colander and a determined air and came back with enough damsons to make chutney.

After attempting an arty shot from the Dark Side of the Tree ...

I threw the damsons in a pan with all sorts of stuff which I wish I could remember now because it turned out lovely and I have to keep making cheese on toast to eat it with now!

And here's one thing I just couldn't do ...

... a starter felting kit which I got from eBay for just over £6 and can't wait to have a go at, but I think it will have to wait for now ...

Ok I started this post over two hours ago, time to stop. Thanks for visiting, see you again soon :o)xxx


Maria Ontiveros said…
Hope you feel better soon. I like how the shape of the damsons and the felt balls are similar.