Funky Farm ...

... Scrapbook Barn! I just got my first delivery from Funky Farm Scrapbook Barn and I am over the moon pleased with it - here's a picture ...

O  M  G!!! I even love the gorgeous sparkly tissue it was wrapped in! This is the September Kit. I chose this one because I love the vibrant colours and chalkboard elements.

Funky Farm kits are a bit different from other kits I've had because you don't have to sign up for one each month - you choose a kit you fancy whenever you like, then you can choose the basic"Bronze"  kit or you can go for the "Silver", "Gold", "Platinum" etc. to add more goodies and get more discount ... so it would have been rude not to go for the Platinum Plus, right?!

Honestly, I have so many goodies in my workroom waiting to be played with - it's just a shame that the Elaaaaaaastic Day and the Time Machine I ordered haven't arrived yet!

See you again soon :o)
