Hi Everyone,
You may have noticed that there hasn't been much scrapping action going on around here just lately, which seems really peculiar when not so long ago I was making two or three pages a week! The fact is that there sometimes there just isn't enough time for everything I would like to do, so crafting and blogging have had to take a bit of a back seat for a little while.
But I do miss my scrapping time and I do love to have a go at some of the many inspiring challenges out there. The one I miss the most of all is CSI - Color, Stories, Inspiration - so when I found myself with a few hours to spare, I popped over there to see what was happening and was just bowled over by this week's Case File No.145 ....
You may have noticed that there hasn't been much scrapping action going on around here just lately, which seems really peculiar when not so long ago I was making two or three pages a week! The fact is that there sometimes there just isn't enough time for everything I would like to do, so crafting and blogging have had to take a bit of a back seat for a little while.
But I do miss my scrapping time and I do love to have a go at some of the many inspiring challenges out there. The one I miss the most of all is CSI - Color, Stories, Inspiration - so when I found myself with a few hours to spare, I popped over there to see what was happening and was just bowled over by this week's Case File No.145 ....

Beautiful, and just my cup of tea! In case you haven't had a go at cracking a CSI Case File before, the idea is to create a scrapbook page using all the colours in the Scheme, at least two pieces of Evidence and at least one item from Testimony.
Being a bit rusty, it took me hours to put my page together, but I got there eventually. Here's how I solved the case ...
The photograph shows my Mum and Dad back in the 1950's, when "walking out" meant that they were courting. They were married not long after this picture was taken and went on to have three daughters. Sadly, their happiness was not to last - they divorced when I was four years old and I don't have any memories of them together, so I love how this photo shows that there was a time when they were very happy together and very much in love.
So, did I follow all the clues ???? You may need to click on the image to see all the details ...
- Scheme: all the colours are there
- Evidence: mixed media background, wings, hearts, flowers, stamps, polka dots, stripes, stencils, pocket, transparent element.
- Testimony: my journaling is a bit too personal to share here, but I've been inspired by three items on the list - I've written the letter I would write to my Mum and Dad if they were still together and I've put it in the transparent pocket behind the photograph.
It may not be the best page I've ever made, but I did enjoy flexing my scrapping muscles again!
Thanks for visiting today - pop over to CSI to see a whole gallery full of amazing pages inspired by this Case File.
See you again soon :o)
Annie xxx