Anything But Paper ...

Hi Everyone,

Well, all did not go quite as planned with my surgery yesterday - that is, it didn't actually happen. After being on tenterhooks* all day, my operation had to be cancelled because there was an emergency and they ran out of theatre time. As you may imagine, I was a bit disappointed at the time, but hey ho these things happen and it can't be helped. At least I have been rescheduled for tomorrow and this time I am first on the list, so no anxious waiting around.

Today I have been mostly sitting about in my onesie watching TV and trying to follow a complicated cross stitch chart. I have also demolished an entire box of Maltesers and I feel much better now :o)

I did manage to stop eating Maltesers for five minutes and make a quick tag for Tag Tuesday - this week's theme is "Anything But Paper ..." which was an interesting challenge because paper is usually my starting point. This must be the quickest tag I have ever made - in fact, it took me longer to take this photo ...

It started with a piece of patterned acetate cut into a tag shape, I added two 3D butterfly stickers and some sticky gems and finished with a piece of ribbon tied through the top. That's it!

Thanks for popping in today - see you again soon :o)

Annie xxx

*Tenterhooks: here is an interesting fact told to me by my boss when I worked in a fabric shop many years ago - this word originated with the hooks which were used to keep fabric stretched taut across a frame to dry during the process of making woollen cloth. The etymology of words always fascinates me, especially when it involves some interesting social history like this. 


Lizzy Hill said… least you got some crafting done AND got to eat sweets!!! Hope it all goes according to plan this time around.....& that tag is GORGEOUS....I'd have never thought of doing something like that!!
Val-Belle said…
Ah I am sorry that it didn't go ahead but at least you don't have to wait for too long... Good luck and I hope all goes well. That is such a pretty tag and I love the butterflies. Thanks for the origin of Tenterhooks... I did not know that ;) <3