WOYWW #307

Hi everyone,

I am going to be in London for most of the day tomorrow, so I am scheduling this ahead to post itself in the wee small hours - I feel like some kind of bloggy time traveller! Wednesday is the day when deskers all over the world gather at Julia's Stamping Ground to show what's been happening in their creative spaces and then have wander about to see what everyone else has been up to this week. Hopefully I will get time for some catch-up snooping later :o)

Here's my desk then as it was earlier this evening ...

... still in the throes of unpacking from a wonderful weekend away at Scrapstars (see previous posts) - there is a pile of UFOs and class kits on the left there, and I have to find homes for all these goodies I brought home ...

Most of these lovelies were freebies, the only bits I actually bought were the Snap album, the TH stencil, the pack of cork arrows and the chippie mini book shaped like a house from the charity stall - and considering there was a temptacious Bellaboo shop right under my nose all weekend, I thought I was quite restrained!

Waiting in the post for me when I got home was the Sculpey I ordered from eBay, ready for a little secret project which I can't divulge just yet ...

Any guesses??!?

Thanks for popping in to see me today, join us over at Julia's if you would like to see more crafty desks and show the world what's been happening on yours - everyone is welcome :o)

See you again soon.

Annie xxx


Nikki said…
New goodies are always so much fun to have fun finding them all new homes hugs Nikki???
Lizzy Hill said…
OOOH! That looks such fun:):) it's a lovely thing to have new goodies to play with ---& I have no idea what ur up to with those goodies!!!!
Lunch Lady Jan said…
Gosh Annie, you've got WAY more patience than me to do that gorgeous little heart...look how teeny the stitches are! It's ever so cute though, I love the bright colours :-)
Glad you had a good weekend crafting...we're so bad at allowing ourselves to have time, so I'm glad you did it, esp after your recent surgery etc!
Take care,
LLJ 13 xx
Hi Annie, thanks for the visit. Looks like you've had a good time but not sure I could have managed to stop myself from visiting the shop.
Havea great weekend and happy crafting, Angela x 30