Hello bloggy peeps and fellow deskers,
A very quick post today as I have so many jobs to do but don't want to miss another week of What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - this week we're linking up over at Jan's blog, as she's babysitting while the lovely Julia is away. Join us for a good old nosey at crafty spaces all over the world and link up to show us what's happening on YOUR workdesk this week. Here's mine ...
A very quick post today as I have so many jobs to do but don't want to miss another week of What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - this week we're linking up over at Jan's blog, as she's babysitting while the lovely Julia is away. Join us for a good old nosey at crafty spaces all over the world and link up to show us what's happening on YOUR workdesk this week. Here's mine ...
On the left, the beginnings of a new painting for LifeBook 2016, then my brand new envelope punch board which I LOVE (I've been using it to recycle old bags and envelopes, may do a separate post about that as it's working really well), right in the middle is my new Wink of Stella pen (LUUUURVE it), some pencils and then a pile of cute wooden buttons shaped like cats.
Ok, going to be late - I will be popping back to LLJs later to catch up with what everyone else has been up to this week - see you there!
Cheerio for now :o)
Annie xxx
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5
And the cat buttons sound cute, I tried zooming in but shouldn't see the detail so much. You don't often get cat items or fabric whereas there's loads of doggy stuff.
Hugs, LLJ xxxx
Sharon K #45
And I see your wooden alphabet box. I remember when you bought that.
The large word stamp WISH is also fab. An envelope board? No I haven't got one of those. I could do with something to make envelopes as I am preparting the ATCs and I need pretty envelopes for those. I usually make my own envelopes and just muddle along and hope I get it right....
Thank you for visiting and have a good week.
Like it alot from what I can see on this photo.
Inspiring WOYWW!
Sussie nr 17