WOYWW #363

Hello bloggy peeps and fellow deskers,

A very quick post today as I have so many jobs to do but don't want to miss another week of What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - this week we're linking up over at Jan's blog, as she's babysitting while the lovely Julia is away. Join us for a good old nosey at crafty spaces all over the world and link up to show us what's happening on YOUR workdesk this week. Here's mine ...

On the left, the beginnings of a new painting for LifeBook 2016, then my brand new envelope punch board which I LOVE (I've been using it to recycle old bags and envelopes, may do a separate post about that as it's working really well), right in the middle is my new Wink of Stella pen (LUUUURVE it), some pencils and then a pile of cute wooden buttons shaped like cats. 

Ok, going to be late - I will be popping back to LLJs later to catch up with what everyone else has been up to this week - see you there!

Cheerio for now :o)

Annie xxx


glitterandglue said…
Now there's a desk I would like to sit down at and have a good old fuddle around - see what is underneath, beside, behind.... Looks great, Annie. All the best with all the bits and pieces.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5
jill said…
looks like you've been productive with your crafting . Happy woyww Jill #7
Lunch Lady Jan said…
What on EARTH is a Wink of Stella pen??? And why do you love it so much? I need to know 😉💖
And the cat buttons sound cute, I tried zooming in but shouldn't see the detail so much. You don't often get cat items or fabric whereas there's loads of doggy stuff.
Hugs, LLJ xxxx
Just love shaped buttons, and the WOS pens are on my list. My eye is sneaking over to that doll stamp as well....but trying to be good!! Happy WOYWW Cindy #36
Yes, please, I would like to find out about the envelope punch board. Sounds like something I could use - perhaps with gelli prints? Nice busy desk! I'll be on the lookout for that LB page! Enjoy your Wednesday, Annie! zsuzsa #37
shazsilverwolf said…
Hi Annie, I love those cat shaped buttons.How awesome are they? Lots to see on your desk, I like that big Wish stamp, from Hobbycrafts. May have to go have a look in there. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #2 xxx
Sharon said…
Lots going on at your desk! I have an envelope punch board that I hadn't used for a while and it took me a youtube video to remember. I've seen a couple of mini-albums made using one that I'd like to try. Have fun playing with it!

Sharon K #45
Lisca said…
Lovely busy desk! I spy lots of little cats that look like they could be buttons as they have holes in them.
And I see your wooden alphabet box. I remember when you bought that.
The large word stamp WISH is also fab. An envelope board? No I haven't got one of those. I could do with something to make envelopes as I am preparting the ATCs and I need pretty envelopes for those. I usually make my own envelopes and just muddle along and hope I get it right....
Thank you for visiting and have a good week.
SusanLotus said…
The painting makes me very curious.
Like it alot from what I can see on this photo.

Inspiring WOYWW!
Sussie nr 17
shazsilverwolf said…
Hi again Annie, I just read your comment, and yes you can use glue sticks to attach them to acrylic blocks. You can also buy a product called Tack n Peel, it's a clear sheet, slightly soft, and you adhere it to acrylic blocks. Then when you peel off the protective plastic film, your unmounted stamps just stick to it. You cover the stuff up with the film sheet again afterwards. If you are having trouble getting a clear print, I know a lot of people recommend having some copy paper, or a magazine or newspaper underneath the sheet you are stamping onto to provide a cushioned surface. Hth. Shaz xx
Looks like desk in waiting Annie, lots of interesting stuff here. Hope you have a great woyww and a happy crafty week too, Angela x 20
those buttons are cute. Vicky#6
Twiglet said…
All ready for action there I think! I am looking for an extra large label/tag die - don't suppose you know where to look? x Jo
Chrysalis said…
Hi Annie - the envelope punch board and new pen sound like fun - wish I could pop over to play. Have a great week, Chrysalis 58 xx
Lea.H said…
Your desk looks like a really fun place to be, i hear lots about life book aso i do hope you will post more photos! :) Lea #57