
Hi everyone,

My second journal page inspired by week 4 of Wanderlust 2017 - no lessons this week, but lots of activities to get us thinking and feeling creative.

For this challenge, we had to choose three colours from our surroundings as our palette (along with black, white and grey if we liked) and use them to create a journal page telling our January story.

Here's mine, inspired by a corner of my garden which I've been wanting to capture for ages ...

I love all the textures of the flaking layers of paint on the old door, set into the warm terracotta brickwork with moss and lichen growing on it and I really enjoyed playing with different media to try and capture this ...

For me, January is about everything being dormant, but all the potential is there, in the cold earth, waiting for the spring sunshine to burst into life. The door symbolises new possibilities waiting to be unlocked and discovered.

You can probably tell that this challenge really got me thinking :o)

Thanks for popping in today, see you again soon!

Annie xxx


Val-Belle said…
Oh wow Annie this is sublime. I also love old door and mossy walls with all the colour and texture. I think you have captured it beautifully :D
Helen Wallace said…
The texture on the bricks asks me to reach out and touch them and the picture invites me to come in to the "Secret Garden" Beautiful :D
This is fantastic Annie! Loving your brick wall - it looks real! Great way to capture January! It's good to know that we're coming out of winter now - even though the weather doesn't show for it yet!