It's Wednesday AGAIN!! So it's time to pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and link up with other Deskers all over the crafty world for What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.
Here's my proper workdesk, where I've been putting together some mini-book kits ready for the Craftathon for Breast Cancer Care in September ...
But mostly I've been crafting Al Fresco over the last two or three weeks, working in my art journal out in the garden. Here's a fairly typical scene, taken after work one evening last week ...
Bliss!!! :o)
Thanks for visiting me today, I'll pop over to Julia's when I get in from work and find out what everyone else is up to this week over the next few days.
Love Annie
It's Wednesday AGAIN!! So it's time to pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and link up with other Deskers all over the crafty world for What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.
Here's my proper workdesk, where I've been putting together some mini-book kits ready for the Craftathon for Breast Cancer Care in September ...
But mostly I've been crafting Al Fresco over the last two or three weeks, working in my art journal out in the garden. Here's a fairly typical scene, taken after work one evening last week ...
Thanks for visiting me today, I'll pop over to Julia's when I get in from work and find out what everyone else is up to this week over the next few days.
Love Annie
A very happy WOYWW to you!
Claire no.6
Good luck with the Breastathon - seems these are going on all over the place, wish I could organise a craft morning but there are no crafters around me.
Hugs, Neet xx
Enjoy your day & Happy WOYWW Tracey #3
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx
Have a great week,
Carmen x #35