WOYWW #599 Tidying my Room

 Hello Bloggers and Fellow Deskers, 

Somehow another Wednesday has rolled around, so it's time to show the world What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday and then pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground to link up and see what everyone else has been up to this week.

Not much actual crafting in mine, because I've been up to my elbows in a massive sorting and tidying and reorganising binge. 

Here's the best view ...

Every single drawer and box and miscellaneous receptacle has been thoroughly gone through - I even sorted a giant jar of mixed beads into six smaller ones according to type (whilst binge-watching The Crown). But if I do a 360 ...

Those are the boxes I still have to go through, AND I temporarily hid some in the spare room. I'm flagging now, but I think it will be worth it in the end, and it's been fun to reacquaint myself with some of the stuff I'd forgotten I had :)

Ok, off to Julia's now - see you there!

Annie xxx


Lunch Lady Jan said…
That’s the joy of having a good sort out isn’t it? The rediscovery of long lost treasures is a marvellous thing :-). Love your craft space, it’s so light and airy, absolutely gorgeous. Please could you drop me an email with your new addy on, I think you did send it but I can’t find it, sorry!
Hugs LLJ 7 xxxx
Sarah Brennan said…
Well done on getting so far with the sort out Annie. It will be so worth it in the end. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2
glitterandglue said…
Hi Annie. Wow - well done you! You have done so much already - don't flag completely - it will look so fabulous, and be so very satisfying, when you have finished it all!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4
Helen said…
I really do need a good sort out but can't face it... but your room looks so tidy and organised! Helen #3
shazsilverwolf said…
Hi Annie, I'll probably do my sort & tidy after Christmas, but it is a fun- if exhausting- way to re-aquaint yourself with what you actually have!Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #10 X
It's all looking so organised Annie, I hope one day my behind the scenes will be just like this.. to know where everything is is a dream I wish to come true. Well done with that sort out. Happy WoywW Tracey #12
Well done at getting your work space sorted. It's good to do this as I always find stuff I had forgotten about but maybe that's just me. Wishing you a lovely creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x17x
I'm so jealous! I need to do this as well, but never get around to it! I've promised myself I'll have a clean (or at least tidy) desk to show for #600 so no excuses this weekend! Sorry I missed your post yesterday, Annie! Lovely to see you again! xx zsuzsa #29
Oh well done! It is so worth it, because it reacquaint you with all your goodies, and looks great too. A belated happy WOYWW Angela #25
Chana Malkah said…
You have an amazing space and so well organized! I try to go through and purge my studio once every six months. It usually takes two weeks to get it done but the room feels lighter and, for a while, I can actually find everything!

Congrats on getting it done! Now enjoy!
Chana Malkah WOYWW #32
Shoshi said…
I've been binge-watching the Crown as well, Annie. Now you've almost finished decluttering your studio, can I invite you to come down and do mine? I am sure you like a challenge lol!!!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #9
Julia Dunnit said…
OOh Annie, what an amazing job! It looks divine and so so inviting! I’m sure you are flagging but, also, the allowed smugness for a job well done will help drive you to finish, what’s left is nothing compared to where you’ve been! Gosh, I’d be s happy as a pig in muck to sit at your desk!