Ode to Women #5 - Amrita Sher-Gil

 I'm really enjoying catching up with this challenge to make 30 portraits of 30 inspiring women in 30 days, which was originally set by Olga Furman. The collection of reference photographs is really varied and,well, challenging, and it's been so interesting to find out about each of the women, some of whom I have to admit I hadn't heard of until now. 

For Day 4, I was working from a photo of Amrita Sher-Gil, using mainly graphite pencils in 2B, 4B and 7B, then adding colour to her clothes and jewellery with coloured pencils ...

I found it difficult to get a good photo, because the graphite has a sheen to it, but you get the gist :o) I think I may come back to some of these and have another go at them in different media - this is definitely getting my creative cogs turning! 
