Charcoal Side-Eye Portrait

 Another lesson from Let's Face It 2021, this time with Kara Bullock, the artist who brings LFI together every year. Kara was inspired by two artists; Robert Kelley and Paul Cristina. We've already had a lesson with Robert, who creates wonderful charcoal portraits, but I hadn't heard of Paul so I looked him up - and oh my word, I was totally blown away by his work. He also makes charcoal portraits, but then he cuts them up, distresses them and reconstructs them, combining with collage and mixed media to create intriguing and thought-provoking pieces. I've added links so you can check all of them out if you click on their names above. 

For this class, Kara showed us how she creates a charcoal portrait, but she hinted that there may be a later lesson where she takes it a step further, inspired by Paul Cristina. I decided I couldn't wait so I would have a go by myself. First step, the charcoal portrait, which I filmed if you would like to see my process ...

Here's the finished piece, which I photographed and scanned before I started cutting it up ...

It was a bit scary cutting up something I'd worked so hard on, but I'm excited to go on to the next step and see how she turns out - watch this space ...

Thanks for popping in, see you again soon. 

Annie XO


What an interesting project! Are you sure you want to tear up the original? You can always just work with the copy - or is that cheating LOL? Your drawing looks amazing!